what is a desk riser

What Is A Desk Riser And Why You Need One

While the majority of people sit down behind their desks, new information about health and productivity have pointed to standing desk risers as the perfect tool to improve your life. A standing desk riser is also known as a standing desk because you can only use it when you are upright instead of seated.

Their structure does not have to be complicated, but they should be versatile for multiple people to get the best benefits. Once you understand what one is and what it can do for you, the decision to purchase one and use it every day makes sense.

Standing Desk Risers Explained

A standing desk riser is not a complete piece of furniture on its own. Instead, it is a sturdy and sleek apparatus designed to be placed on top of an existing desk, table, or other flat surfaces. You can use one on your kitchen table, a workshop countertop, or in your office cubicle.

The variety of standing desk risers include:

  • Different sizes to fit on desks, tables, and counters
  • Adjustable settings to suit people of any height and posture
  • Styles that fit two monitors, a small laptop, separate keyboard drawers, and more

One of the most important characteristics of a quality standing desk riser is how easy it is to set up and adjust for your unique height and needs. Of course, everyone is a different size, and you need your stand up platform to be at the correct level for comfortable use. Consider an electric standing desk to help with positioning and hooking up your devices. One of the best options is the Zero Gravity Desktop Riser. No muscles needed. It seems to float up and down into the perfect position just for you.

How Do You Use a Standing Desk Riser Comfortably?

In order to use your standing desk riser with maximum comfort, it might take a bit of time and adjustment to find the right level. You will not get all the benefits of use unless you can adjust it to your unique needs.

  • Select the appropriate height so your hands rest comfortably on the keyboard.
  • Remember to lock it in place to prevent accidents.
  • Consider a padded floor mat to customize the height and keep your feet comfortable.

The point of standing desk risers is to improve your posture and keep your body aligned comfortably. In the beginning, your back may feel soreness and stress because you are so used to slumping over your computer while sitting at a desk. Do not strain yourself, but work up to using the standing desk for longer periods of time gradually. This will allow your body the opportunity to receive all the benefits without exacerbating any problems you may already have.

What are the Work Benefits Of a Standing Desk Riser?

A considerable amount of information has been gathered about how using a standing desk or riser can benefit your workday. It does not matter if you work for a big corporation with many desks shopped together in tiny cubicles, run your own business out of your home, or provide services in a workplace with more hands-on activities. If you use a computer for part or all of your day, adding in this type of desk converter will offer real benefits.

Increase productivity. People find that they work with increased focus when they are standing up. Part of this may be because they want to sit down again after they are done with their task. It may also have something to do with increased blood flow due to your upright position. Whatever the particular reason, you will get more done with increased efficiency in a shorter amount of time than ever before.

Standing desk risers particularly help in a work setting where you have to move around to different locations over time. These products are portable and flexible so you never have to be without your perfect set up. They are much lighter than an ordinary desk and can be set up in minutes.

Why You Should Buy a Desk Converter or Riser Today

Besides the benefits to your workday that are listed above, standing up instead of sitting down provides a wealth of health-related advantages, too. A standing desk improves posture, which can help you look better and feel better throughout the day and for your whole life. It can contribute to stronger core muscles that are essential for combating back pain, mobility issues when you get older, and even things like digestion. An upright posture has even been linked to confidence and a positive impression on the people you interact with.

Sedentary lifestyles contribute to some major health problems such as:

  • Heart disease due to lack of regular cardiac exercise
  • Excessive weight gain due to less calorie expenditure
  • Blood sugar instability exacerbated by the above problems
  • Emotional and mood disturbances from low serotonin production

When all of these things come together in an automatic way just by standing up more throughout the workday, your overall health picture improves without the need for extensive exercise or time-consuming fitness regimen. Of course, these things still provide more benefits, but simply using a standing desk riser can help stave off potential problems for longer.

Simply standing up with the use of the riser is not going to cure any diseases or prevent things like diabetes or heart disease. However, every choice you make affects the body’s opportunity to stay healthy and fit for as long as possible.

Researchers have studied the problems associated with sitting behind a desk for hours. Most people who work on computers or in other settings day after day. A new opportunity to get up and get moving has grown in popularity over the past few years. Standing desk risers, desk converters, and standing desks provide a multitude of benefits for anyone in this situation. Now that you understand what these helpful products are and how they can help you work and feel better, purchasing one should be a simple decision.

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How has your stand up desk improved your health?

Has your back pain went away?

Benefits of using a standing desk?

Do you notice an increase in energy?

What do you love most about your standing desk?