Raised Desk And Better Posture

Posture is something that is highly important to everyone’s health, but we barely give it the attention it deserves every day. Having bad posture while standing can give you the same amount of back pain you get from sitting. It can also cause a variety of health issues ranging anywhere from the usual fatigue to compressed blood vessels. To practice better posture while using your raised desk you can,

  • Stand with your hips straight and don’t tilt your head forward.
  • Find a comfortable chair, Support your pelvic properly, Sit with your knees at 90 degrees.
  • Make sure your monitor is level with your eyes. Keep your eyes 20-28 inches from the monitor screen.
  • Change the way you stand every 20 to 30 minutes. Take a one minute walk and stretch.

While using your raised desk make sure to keep a balance of sitting and standing, it’s not good to just stand the whole time you are working. And in our goal towards living a healthier life, we believe it’s important that you’re able to sit with good posture as well. This will help you get the best out of your standing desk/desk riser, and keep you on the right path to improving your posture.When you are about to make the switch from standing to sitting please keep these tips in mind to help your posture while sitting:

Keep Your back Supported

The very first step you can take to reduce back pain is making the adjustment to your chair so your lower back is supported properly. The right support when sitting cuts down the strain on your back. An adjustable chair will let you change the height, position on the back, and tilt to find the perfect position for sitting. One other great way of diminishing back stress is to keep your knees and hips in line with each other.

To accomplish this adjust the height of your raised desk that allows the most space for your legs when sitting. Once you first sit in a chair, double-check that your hips are moved as far back in the chair as they can possibly go, now practice sitting up straight while being relaxed. Something you may notice when sitting with a better posture is your breathing may be easier because your ribs can move more openly with your spine being supported by the chair.

Find The Right Position For Your Wrists

Not only do you need to focus on the position of your wrists when using the raised desk but also when you are sitting. When sitting properly, you can use the keyboard with your wrists and forearms arranged straight. This is critical in the avoidance of constant strain injuries that can wear out your wrists and forearms. Your elbows should relax by the side of your body creating the shape of an L at the elbow joint (With the help of a standing desk you’ll have the L shape created without you noticing).

Rest Your Feet

An amazing accessory to use with your standing desk or raised desk is an anti-fatigue mat. This reduces the stress and strain on your lower back by allowing for solid support beneath both of your legs. Crossing your legs can be the more comfortable option, but this can cause issues with your hips as well as block the circulation in your legs. It can also cause your back to lean towards a certain side depending on how you are sitting which is placing more stress on one side and often cause more back pain or firmness. We recommend the Zero Gravity Tables Anti Fatigue Mat , it’s a great price and the most comfortable you’ll find.

Look Straight And Don’t Tilt

Placing your monitor a little bit lower than eye level cuts down the strain on your neck and shoulders. Keeping your monitor at this position also lowers the risk of eye strain, which is a regular complaint for workers who stare at monitors all day. By positioning your monitor  a tad bit lower than the level of your eyes, your neck is a more reasonable position reducing the stress on your back. Keeping your neck up and your back straight is a key to having better posture so don’t forget this tip.

Now with all of this awesome Standing Desk Blog information go and improve your posture with a standing desk / raised desk! Feel free to browse are other articles that talk about productivity , benefits , or even our Top Standing Desk Risers of 2019.

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