standing desk productivity

How Do Standing Desks Increase Productivity

The question is do standing desks increase productivity? If yes, then how? Increased productivity helps you accomplish more of your goals, avoid overtime and delays at work, and please your boss, team members, and yourself. One of the most effective and simplest ways to boost how productive your days are at work or home is by purchasing a standing desk, riser, or converter.

Research has shown that people who get up on their feet and end up with more work done and less procrastination than those who sit down and relax throughout the process. Read on to understand more about how a standing desk or desk converter and help you achieve more. The best standing desks that can help with productivity are talked about in our Top 3 standing desk risers of 2019 blog.

How Do Standing Desks Increase Productivity?

Whether you work for yourself at home or spend your day at a corporate office or other workplaces, one of the most important goals is increased productivity. Not only will this help you achieve your personal goals more quickly, but it is also the way to work successfully with a team and impress your manager or higher up boss. For maximum ease of use, try the Zero Gravity Desktop Riser, which adjusts smoothly at the touch of a button.

A strong focus on productivity usually indicates a need for new computer software, more efficient communication systems, and best work practices that cut down on wasted time. All of these things matter, of course, but one of the most beneficial ways to produce more without excess strain is to eliminate all the little things that add up over a long day,

These include:

  • Excess stress that leads to headaches and confusion
  • Sore backs, necks, and other muscles that take your mind off the work
  • Fatigue and the afternoon slump that interferes with task engagement
  • General discomfort that gets your attention too much

How Can a Standing Desk Improve Productivity In Such Real and Effective Ways?

This important question has multiple answers that all pertain to increasing how productive you feel every day at work or home.

1 – Less Clutter Equals Less Confusion

The concept of decluttering your space and decluttering your mind has taken the world by storm lately. Although this correlation has existed for decades, new books and websites have sprung up explaining how these two things go together. If you have less stuff around you distracting your brain from what you want to focus on, you will end up with more brainpower to commit to the task at hand.

Also, if you do not have other work, emails, reminder notes, and pictures of your family reminding you of all the other stuff you need to do later, you can tackle one thing at a time, which always adds to productivity. All of these extra things simply do not fit on a standing desk riser.

2 – Improved Blood Flow Invigorates Your Brain

Standing up offers physical benefits when it comes to becoming more productive, too. An upright position forces increased blood flow throughout your body, which oxygenates your brain more fully and contributes to feeling more alert and active. When your brain is working at its optimal level, you can figure out work tasks more easily, maintain high levels of creativity and flexibility, and stay on task for longer. Needless to say, this cardiovascular boost also helps your body stay healthier overall. If you are still asking yourself do standing desks increase productivity, just think about how being more focused and active can lead to being more productive.

3 – Bursts of Effort for Sit-Down Rewards

For people who do not find standing up for long periods as comfortable as others, they can consider using a standing desk riser or desk converter as a type of hyper-focused work period with the reward of relaxing in their chair at the end. This may offer those who use timers or the popular Pomodoro method an extra boost of incentive to stay productive for the full-time allotment. With a flexible standing desk that you can raise and lower easily, this becomes a quick process that does not cut into your productivity time at all.

Other Tips For Productivity Boosts

Although all these standing desk benefits allow you to increase the amount of work you get done in one day without overstressing your mind, there are other ways that help you boost productivity, too. Some people choose to drink more coffee or another caffeinated beverage to give them a pick me up in the morning or the middle of the day. This works for some but is not the only thing you should be able to count on when it comes to getting your tasks done efficiently.

Additional methods of increasing your levels of productivity at work or when doing anything that involves your computer include:

Standing Desk Blog Top Methods

  • Making a detailed plan and writing it down. Having a clear goal is one of the best ways to work efficiently because you know exactly what to do in order to reach the desired outcome. Writing it down removes any doubt or forgetfulness that can get in the way of productive work.
  • Tackle the things that take the least amount of time first. One productivity recommendation is to immediately do anything that takes 10 minutes or less before you start on any longer projects. This gets busy work out of the way and out of your head so you can focus more effectively.
  • Get rid of any distractions. While some people work better with music playing or similar things going on around them, you must determine your optimum level of productivity and use it every time you work. Also, as mentioned above in the paragraph about clutter, a standing desk helps you eliminate all the little things that can attract your eye instead of the project you are actively working on.
  • Become comfortable with delegating and saying no. In many cases at your workplace, you do not have the option to refuse to do a particular task if your manager or boss says that you must. However, if you have choices, make sure that each part of a project gets handled by the appropriate person. If you are overworked, none of the productivity tips listed here or is the best standing desk in the world will not help you. Sometimes, you just need a break.

Dont Lose Focus

You undoubtedly have goals and plans in place to further your career, build a business, or advanced personal interests in new and exciting ways. If a lot of the activities necessary to complete these goals take place behind a desk or at a table, a standing desk or standing desk riser can help you achieve more quickly and efficiently. All the research that has gone into the benefits of standing up to work clearly shows that this type of apparatus can change your life in very real ways. Stop asking yourself do standing desks increase productivity and get up on your feet and get working.

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