standing desk improved health

What Are The Health Benefits Of A Stand Up Desk

How standing desks or desktop risers improve your health

There are many stand up desk health benefits. This fact has been proven again and again with various research studies conducted over the last several years. People have become concerned with how much they sit down and relax throughout the average workday. A standing desk converter allows you to change position to one that is healthier and conducive to more energy and productivity, too. Is it worth it to invest in your current and future health? Yes. The information contained in this article can clearly show that you are worth buying a standing desk for.

How Sitting Down Can Hurt Your Health

When the average American worker spends almost 8 hours every day sitting behind a desk or otherwise lounging, relaxing, or slumped on a couch or chair, the health risks associated with this lifestyle build up rather quickly. A lack of regular physical activity can cause a wide variety of health problems that are prevalent around the entire world today.

Health issues related to a sedentary lifestyle include:

  • Heart disease
  • Diabetes
  • Excess weight gain
  • Some cancers
  • Weak muscles and bones
  • Depression and anxiety

Did you ever know that simply sitting down for too long can cause all these problems? Although not a cure for any diseases or disorders, the stand up desk health benefits can help fight them. The following five changes that go on in your body when you stop sitting down all the time and get up on your feet can definitely boost your overall health and even help to stave off premature death.

Five Ways Standing Desks Fight Against Health Problems

While you are reading a standing desk buying guide, perusing reviews from satisfied customers, and making an informed decision about whether you want to purchase one or not, consider these five powerful ways that standing desk risers and converters can help you avoid serious health problems.

1 – The Benefits of Upright Posture

Slumping or slouching in a chair compresses your spine from your tailbone to your neck. It can wear out the protective padding between your vertebrae and contribute to soreness, stiffness, and pain. Over time, your back, neck, and core muscles weaken and atrophy, and you are no longer able to hold yourself upright comfortably.

However, when you stand up by using a desk converter with adjustable legs at different points throughout the day, all of these problems are alleviated. Instead of stiffness and discomfort, you actively get stronger and more upright. Research has even shown that good posture helps you feel more confident and gives other people a more positive impression when they interact with you. One of the best benefits of a stand up desk is seeing a difference in your posture.

2 – An Increase in Caloric Burn

Standing up burns approximately 25 to 50 more calories every hour than sitting down. Since the average worker currently sits down for approximately eight hours every day, this adds up to a whopping 400 calories saved per day. The precise numbers depend on your body composition and overall health.

You could afford to have that afternoon snack, or you could maintain a healthier way of eating and stick with the same weight for longer. The slow accumulation of pounds that even healthy people may experience as they get older could occur due to a sedentary lifestyle. If you use a standing desk instead, it might be the key to maintaining your weight as you age.

3 – Regulate and Lower Blood Sugar Levels

Various studies have tested the blood sugar levels of individuals who either stood up or sat down after they ate a meal. The scientists found that the ones who stood up at lower blood sugar levels than the others. It makes sense because an upright body is a more active body. As you burn more calories, and your metabolism stays higher, your blood sugar gets used up fueling your body systems.

Unstable blood sugar levels are a dangerous part of metabolic syndrome, which can lead to weight gain and more serious problems like diabetes. If using a standing desk helps protect you from these problems, it is definitely worth considering.

4 – Reduce the Chance of Cardiovascular Problems

All of the above-mentioned stand up desk health benefits work together to improve heart health as well. The studies involving cardiovascular risks have been more extensive when it comes to a sedentary lifestyle versus one where people stand up more frequently throughout the day. With the help of a standing desk riser, you can invigorate your body and increase healthy blood flow to all body systems and tissues.

As heart disease is intrinsically linked to increased weight and unstable blood sugar levels, it makes sense that abandoning a long-term sedentary lifestyle in favor of a standing desk at work will provide the same benefits for all. Take control of your future health today and help stave off some of the most common problems that plague the Western world.

5 – Elevate Mood and Energy

All of the standing desk health benefits do not focus only on your body and organ systems. Getting up on your feet instead of slouching down in a chair also helps to improve your mood, boost your energy levels, and regulates the production of those feel-good chemicals in your brain like serotonin. This can even help you if you suffer from depression and anxiety.

In many of the standing desk reviews you come across online, you may notice that people report feeling better overall. They do not experience a mid-afternoon slump that requires additional cups of coffee and makes the workday drag on forever.

Make an investment in your future by buying a standing desk, standing desk riser, or desk converter that fits your home or workplace office set up. The Zero Gravity Desktop Riser takes care of everything with its onboard app controls.With all the proven ways that a standing desk improves health, you may not be able to risk continuing the way you are now. These affordable options will help you not only look and feel your best, but can also positively augment your workday with increased productivity, mental clarity, and overall success.

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